Save capex, opex — and the planet

Reach environmental goals and boost the bottom line

There’s no doubt about it. We’re asking more and more of our computing systems: The ability to process increasingly massive amounts of data with extremely low latency.

And there’s no doubt that the old way of keeping our racks humming — air cooling — just isn’t up to the challenges of today or tomorrow.

Immersion cooling is.

It allows you to provide high density computing and save on capital and operating expenses. It’s also better for the environment — and for reaching sustainability goals.

In short: total immersion in a dielectric liquid is the most energy efficient and environmentally responsible way to cool electronics. This is why the time is right to turn to LiquidCool Solutions. Here are the six primary benefits of our patented rack-based, single-phase immersion cooling:

Six specific benefits of LiquidCool Solutions’ immersion cooling

#1 – Shrink space needs. Cut buildout costs.

  • Higher server density per rack reduces footprint by 70%
  • Deploy more servers in less space
  • No need for raised floors or high ceilings

#2 – Increase hardware life and performance. Reduce maintenance.  

  • Dielectric fluid protects and cools IT equipment
  • No need to throttle back CPUs or GPUs to avoid overheating
  • Protects electronics from dust and other airborne contaminants, eliminating common causes of failure
  • No chillers, DX units or fans to maintain

#3 – Slash energy costs.

  • No need for fans, air handlers, air conditioning, or humidity control
  • Reduces power to cool by 98% vs. air cooling
  • Drive PUEs down to 1.03

#4 – Eliminate water use.

Data centers consume billions of gallons of water. All is wasted. With LiquidCool Solutions’ immersion cooling:

  • No water is consumed
  • Dielectric fluid cools and protects IT; never needs replacement
  • Fluid has Global Warming Potentials (GWP) of zero  

#5 – Reduce carbon footprint.

Electrical energy consumed by data centers accounts for millions of tons of CO2 annually. Half of this energy is wasted. LiquidCool Solutions immersion cooling:

  • Slashes onsite power demand/energy consumption
  • Lowers power plant emissions
  • Reduces e-waste by 30%
  • More than 90% of waste heat can be reclaimed for other uses

#6 – Quiet the noise.

  • Virtually silent operation
  • Fan noise and vibration are eliminated

Contact LiquidCool Solutions

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